Power Troubleshooting on Dr. Dish Home

Troubleshooting if your Dr. Dish Home is not powering on.

Dr. Dish Home Not Powering On

When a Dr. Dish Home is not powering on we need to troubleshoot a few things:

  • Power to the machine
  • The machine's Power Supply
  • The Power Board
  • The UI Controller (On/Off Switch) 

  1. Troubleshooting power to the machine. 
    1. Always troubleshoot from the outside in. You can easily test if the machine is getting adequate power by plugging something other than the machine into the extension cord. If there is no power to the device you plugged in then troubleshoot whether the issue is the extension cord or outlet. 
  2. Troubleshooting the machine's power supply. 
    1. If the machine is getting power from the extension cord we need to troubleshoot the power supply.
    2. This can be done a couple of different ways. If you are dealing with a machine with a serial number DDH03200000072 and beyond the machine will have an LED indicator that lights up signifying that the power supply is getting power:
    Dr. Dish Home, Power Supply LED Indicator  
  3. For machines that have a serial before DDH0320000072, you will have to look at the power supply:
    1. In a dark environment, you can see the green glow on the inside of the machine's left side shroud or cover.
    2. You can also remove the left side shroud with a Philips screen driver (6 bolts) and see the below image.
  4. If the power supply is not getting a green light it has either failed or the AC Cord connection is Loose. 
    1. Check the AC Cord Connection inside the machine with the machine unplugged.
    2. Unplug then plug the connection back in. 

      Dr. Dish Home, AC Cord connection and Power Supply LED Indicator
    3. Once that is done plug the machine back in and see if the LED light indicator shows on the Power Supply. If it does, test the machine. If the indicator light still will not turn on, a replacement Power Supply is needed. 
  5. Power to the Power Board
    1. If you are seeing a green light on your indicator we need to troubleshoot the power board. Power travels from the Power Supply to the Power Board via the P15 Connection on the Power Board:
    2. Check to make sure the connection is solid on the power board. Have the customer unplug then plug the connection back in to ensure a solid connection. Once that is done we need to check for the red light indicator on the board that signifies if the board is receiving power from the Power Supply:

  6. If no red light is present the Power Board Needs to be Replaced. 
  7. If the red light is present the UI Controller will need to be replaced. 

If you were unable to resolve the issue with the above steps please reach out to our Support+ Team. To get connected with them start a service ticket here or you can call the team at 612-412-4410. They will need the serial number of your machine, the shipping address, and the results of the troubleshooting. With that they will be able to provide further assistance.